Prepare for Evacuation
Are you prepared to take care of your pet when disaster strikes? If not, NOW is the time to make your plans.
Before an evacuation
In addition to having a 72-hour emergency kit for your family, you should also prepare one for your pet. Preparing in advance will increase the likelihood that your animals remain safe and healthy during an emergency. Your pet survival kit should include:
72 hour food supply including bowls and a can opener
72 hour water supply
Leash, harness, muzzle
Pet carrier
Medical/vaccination records, medication and veterinarian contact information – always keep copies of these in your grab ‘n go kit
ID tags and micro chip number
Blankets and toys
An X-pen if you have room
View more detailed lists here.
Make sure this kit is packed and ready to go in case you need to leave on a moment’s notice
Remember where you keep this grab ‘n go kit. In case you are away from home and someone else (a friend or emergency animal organization such as ALERT) comes to evacuate your animals, let them know where this kit is so they can bring it out with your pet.
Find out:
If you use a kennel, find out what their emergency plan is (in case you’re out of town)
Really educate yourself on any medications your animals take
Find out in your local community what resources are available for pets and animals during emergencies, so you know what group to contact if something happens.
A good idea if you’re going to be away, and your area might be in danger, is to preregister your information with the local emergency animal rescue group in your area, so they know to go ahead and assist your animals if something happens.
Kennels and hobby farmers should set up mutual aid agreements with similar type properties, so they can help each other out during disasters. Visit each other’s locations, learn your way around (where the keys are, where the water is, etc.).
It is always a good idea for people with larger or farm animals, farmers in particular, to consider removing animals from the area during evacuation alert stage. Sometimes when an order comes there is not enough time to get them out.
If your local area does not have a group on record for your district to assist animals during emergencies, you can contact ALERT to come in and help train people to set up a ALERT chapter in your area.

During an evacuation
If emergency officials order your community to evacuate to a safer location, it’s important to know that support is available for pets.
Make the evacuation reception centre your first point of contact and ask them to put you in touch with the animal assistance organization
Experienced animal volunteers at Emergency Social Services evacuation reception centres will receive any pets and move them to a safe place where they will be cared for until you’re able to return home.