What we do
The Animal Lifeline Emergency Response Team (ALERT) is dedicated to animal welfare through the preparation for and the actual rescue and shelter of domestic animals and livestock in a disaster. Volunteers are mobilized when local authorities request ALERT’s help and when Emergency Management & Climate Readiness BC and Emergency Support Services is activated.
We hold monthly meetings to plan for responses. We develop response kits, participate in fundraising and public education events, hold training exercises, share policies and procedures, encourage creation of mutual aid agreements, establish emergency response supply agreements with local businesses, approve foster homes, etc.

Who We Work With
ALERT works with local authorities including ESS (Emergency Support Services), EOCs (Emergency Operations Centres), fire departments, the RCMP, Ministry of Agriculture and Emergency Management & Climate Readiness BC personnel.
ALERT volunteers will deploy to specific areas of disaster/emergency once requested and will report to ESS teams in local communities.
When disasters happen…
When natural or man-made disasters happen, ALERT provides assistance to the affected community by providing when necessary:
Setup of temporary animal relief shelters
Evacuation of animals
Rescue of abandoned or stranded animals
Implementation of a record keeping and identification system
Transportation of animals
Coordination of veterinary care for sick or injured animals
Coordination of animal food and supplies
Compassionate removal of animals who don’t survive the disaster
Lost animal documentation
Reuniting animals with caregivers
Facilitating fostering and/or adoption of unclaimed or surrendered animals
Maintenance of animals sheltered in place
Protect Your Farm Assets
This 6 minute video will walk you through the process for planning your farm/ranch asset protection, using the Farm Flood Readiness Toolkit. This is one of two videos that accompany the Toolkit. The Toolkit is intended to assist all types of agricultural producers, from any part of BC, to assess flood risk and asset vulnerabilities, and to identify suitable farm-level strategies for reducing potential impacts associated with flooding.